
Being with Sally Wilson

Tune in to explore the varied, wonderful, challenging aspects of BEING human and how to live our best life. 

We talk high performance, trauma, evolution, cutting-edge science, psychology, love, the mind, emotions, social wellness and a myriad of other areas with experts who’ve mastered those aspects of BEING.

Jump on the waves with us for raw, honest conversations with athletes and artists, medicos and military, scientists and advocates, survivors and everyday extraordinary humans.

Welcome to the tribe!


We talk high performance, trauma, evolution, cutting-edge science, psychology, love, the mind, emotions, social wellness and a myriad of other areas with experts who’ve mastered those aspects of BEING.

Jump on the waves with us for raw, honest conversations with athletes and artists, medicos and military, scientists and advocates, survivors and everyday extraordinary humans.

Welcome to the tribe!


Water, Wonder & the Creative Act

⁠Artist, Steve Sedgwick⁠, has wondered at (and in!) natural water sources since childhood, and his unique work reflects his experiences of and responses to nature. Here, he speaks of the creative act beyond the thinking mind, feeling imagery and physical and emotional responses to artistic sources of inspiration, and how he transfers this to canvas. He helps us understand artistic expression beyond skills, technique and representation and helps us feel our way into what it might be like to create from intuition.

He's honest, down-to-earth, warm-hearted and generous. The creative act can be messy and frustrating at times. Nonetheless, he encourages us to, in our own way, 'just DO it'!

Steve's exquisite, expressive work can be seen at The Hive Gallery's exhibition - ⁠'FLOW - Stories of the Wetlands'⁠ until June 30, 2024, and again in a solo exhibition at The Hive in September 2024.

Connect with Steve on ⁠Instagram⁠

Connect with The Hive on ⁠Instagram⁠ and ⁠Facebook⁠



Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.



2-way processing & seeing the ‘stories’ "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

Top-down and bottom up processing. We all do both, but when we process predominantly in one of the two ways, things can get tricky. Gaining an understanding of this allows us to become more objective about our experience, less likely to ‘make up’ stories, and helps us cultivate an ability to find equipoise. Sound good?



Key to E.I. - The sensations inside our body "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

Introception. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn’t. It’s the most important indicator for our emotional intelligence and it’s a skill and awareness we can develop. It helped one of Bec’s yoga students prevent a panic attack. Bec helps us understand what it is and how we can refine it. It’s worth it for you and everyone around you!



Ego – What is it and how can we work with it? "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

Mine’s called Fluffy. Bec’s is called Dalilah. That’s the egos I’m referring to! Here Bec Duffield and I delve into what the ego is, how it ticks and why it’s not an enemy. Understanding this can help us avoid a whole lot of emotional and spiritual pain in our lives! It’s worth consideration.




Why on earth are there so many gods in Hindu mythology? There’s an excellent reason, and Bec guides us to an understanding of how the gods represent aspects of being human. They help us to bring clarity to what might otherwise be difficult to conceptualise. Explore here, with Bec, the richness the Hindu gods offer us in developing our self-understanding.

Zero Point Yoga Website


One Young Leader’s Story of Finding Freedom

An emerging leader in her profession, Jacinda Boully found herself frozen when faced with conflict and unable to assert herself, voice her opinions or stay calm. To find a level of comfort and confidence in her role as a leader, she had to do something! And do something, she did. Jacinda’s ability to lead and freedom in leadership has been transformed.

Jacinda’s story is that of many emerging leaders, and many experienced leaders will recognize their younger selves in her. She speaks openly, frankly and with generosity, allowing us to gain a perspective and insight into the challenges of many emerging leaders today.

Jacinda Boully Linkedin


Success, Glass Ceilings and Personal Change

Programme Manager at a major bank, Mary Black, knew she ‘should’ be happier. She thought “this can’t be ‘it’”. And she was right. Mary joins us to talk about how a change in her state of being affected her workplace and relationships with colleagues. She addresses how her ‘book smarts’ allowed her to reach a certain level in her career, but internal personal change was necessary for her to progress beyond that.

 This is an honest, open, frank conversation with a highly intelligent, successful woman, about the struggles so many of us face. This is a unifying conversation. Don’t miss it!


Leadership – Success Creation Without Burnout

At 27 years old, Derek founded The Leading Edge Market Research Consultancy, which he led and grew into a global multi-million dollar business that he sold in 2005 to a company on the stock market. For 15 years straight, the company grew by a minimum of 15% per year. In 2015 it turned over $36 Million and had offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore and London, and brings a strong record of success in creating and leading a high-performance and results-driven business.

Derek has sat in the CEO’s seat for two decades, has served as a director on 5 private company boards, and has held the position of 2 Chairman’s roles. Derek has felt the intense stress and complexity of holding these leadership roles which was the impetus to his research and investigation. He has worked with the elite in sports, rescue, carers of people dying from MND and with many C Suite corporates.

He knows transformational leadership inside out. Here, Derek shares his insights into the nature and challenges of modern-day leadership and plants the seeds of ideas as to how they might be overcome.


Transformation in Leadership through Trauma Resolution

In this episode, marketing expert, Liza-Jane Sowden, describes the effect resolving her past trauma had on her ability to lead in her workplace. It was no less than a transformation! The ripple effects were profound.

You may have heard a previous episode with Liza-Jane, where she speaks of her experience growing up in a Jehovah's Witness household. Experiencing the resolution of past stress and distress led Liza-Jane to then become a practitioner in The Richards Trauma Process herself. This is her personal story of the transformation of her leadership ability following trauma resolution.


SPACE TO CREATE – how and why

Alura Leddie knew, even whilst studying visual communications at university, that her creative potential was stifled. She would, frustratingly, catch glimpses of it, but then it would disappear again. That is, until she was able to resolve a build-up of “stuff” that had been happening in the background of her life. Then, her creative inspiration flourished.

Alura speaks of stopping looking for the next course, the next ‘self-improvement’ and accepting that she is enough, she knows enough, she has trained enough. Enough is enough! She addresses the importance of creating space in order to to create – even in the face of others’ perceptions, expectations, and the pressure so many of us feel in our workplace to appear busy (even at the detriment of our productivity and work). She talks about the role of feeling rather than thinking, and trusting intuition, and her process of allowing joy in the process of making something her own.

She’s young – she only just completed uni – and she’s wise. This episode is for everyone willing to acknowledge and give importance to the creativity inherent in us all.

Alura LinkedIn:


Alura Instagram


Iamsallywilson meditations:




Religion, Beliefs, Trauma & Finding Oneself

As a child, she was petrified the ground would open and swallow her at any moment. Liza-Jane Sowden grew up in a Jehovah’s Witnesses household. Everything ‘worldly’, that is, not of ‘the faith’, was considered dangerous and a threat to one’s entering infinite paradise - including people.

She kept her upbringing a secret until now. In this episode, Liza generously and courageously opens the door for us to catch a glimpse of her upbringing and the effect it had on her. In her own words: “I have throughout my life experienced high functioning anxiety, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and real-life challenges and events that culminated in panic attacks, depression, poor health and self-sabotaging behaviours professionally and personally.”

Liza-Jane has overcome these trauma symptoms through TRTP™ and is now a practitioner herself. She also happens to be one of the most big-hearted, loving, life-loving people I’ve ever met.

Want a peek into another world? This is it.  


Living Well: Lessons from Illness and the Dying

On a sunny day in 1998, 11-year-old Steve Musca's competitive side got the better of him and he competed fiercely in a cross-country race whilst also being sick with what was later diagnosed as 'Glandular Fever'. It was the biggest mistake of his life. 

Despite being plagued with ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ so badly he was in and out of hospital and experiencing head and neck injuries as the result of two accidents, during his own quest for wellness Steve somehow managed to become an Intensive Care Specialist, working now at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne.

Steve talks about the privilege it is, to be with people at the end of their lives, and how it’s a constant reminder to him, how to live well. He’s not one to sweat the small stuff. He also speaks about the internal drivers which had him pushing himself so very hard, to breaking point and the work he’s done to overcome that self-destructive conditioning.

Steve has used his experience and medical knowledge to found We Know Health –  scientifically-backed supplements that are setting a new bar in Australia in terms of ethics and transparency.

As a man still in his 30’s, he’s had a pretty extraordinary ride so far – and I didn’t even get to ask him about his high stakes poker-playing days! The wonderful thing is, he’s using his experience to benefit the rest of us. The words Steve leaves us with? “You don’t have to be perfect.”

You don’t have to be perfect.

You don’t want to miss this one.


Choice & Perspective - Embracing Adversity

Fiona Demark grew up in rural NSW, a blind person with little support and no resources - except her own. A dreadful low point, following her father's death when she was 15 and bullying at school, forced her to make a decision. Either she was going to find a way through this and, perhaps, help others through her own experience, or she was not. She chose to.

Now a coach, keynote speaker and extreme adventurer, Fiona now works with individuals and organisations, helping people increase resilience, achieve their dreams and allow for the richness diversity brings to the workplace.



LEARNING REIGNITED - for the love of it!

My remarkable guest for this episode - education expert and Prisma CEO, ⁠Kristen Shroff⁠, and her team are changing the way learning is approached in the education system. Their curriculum caters to the needs and interests of each individual child and is founded upon fostering curiosity, creativity, adaptivity and a love for learning itself. "Hard fun" is a term they use, where 'learners' (not students) have fun tackling the challenge presented to them. They also benefit from one-to-one time with their own mentor and coach (not teachers). It sounds great to me!

Prisma and Kristen came to my attention through a client of mine whose 8-year-old daughter had been struggling at school and with related mental health issues. One month into the child's Prisma education and she's thriving, doing grade 6 maths and learning with new enthusiasm and passion at her own pace.

Some families that have sought out Prisma did so because their child was struggling socially or academically in traditional school, some were homeschoolers who sought more community, structure, or support, and one father had noticed his child gradually losing his love for learning in a traditional school. People seek out Prisma for all different reasons. It's an online-based alternative to a traditional model, a great solution for many and is opening its first cohort in Australia in January 2024.

So many people have their love of learning stifled in a traditional system. Adults, these ideas are for us, too. Feeling world-weary, dull or learning-tired? These attitudes may reignite or fan the flames of your innate passion and curiosity.



TURNING THINGS TO GOLD – The Power of Mindset

Why does life just seem to ‘work’ for some and not others?

Why does everything seem to turn to gold for some and not others?

In this episode with clinical psychologist, ⁠Dr. Helen Mursell⁠, we discuss mindsets which create flow in life (growth, positivity, abundance), and others which hinder it. Dr. Mursell describes attributes of these mindsets – so you can identify where, perhaps, you might want to make some tweaks! She considers the science underlying the effect of different mindsets on our life, and offers practical, simple actions we can take to move towards our best experience, our 'gold'.

Life-changing stuff. Enjoy the journey!


AGAINST DISCRIMINATION - Learnings of a Trans Child's Dad

Love, acceptance, bewilderment… the journey of a trans child’s dad – so far.

Below is what Nick Mann, the father of a trans child, posted on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago. His post prompted our conversation here. I believe there are many people out there who want to understand trans people and issues better, but are fearful of asking the questions which might lead to clarity and better understanding. It's Nick's and my hope that this conversation might help. After all, all each of us really wants is to be loved, accepted, understood, and to belong.

Please listen.

Today is #IDAHOBIT, the International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination.Ordinarily I watch organisations on social media change their logo and branding in a nod to the rainbow 🌈…. And then the circus moves town.

Ordinarily I keep quiet on days like this.

But I am part of a rainbow family. We have a trans kid.

And I live in an council area where, this week especially, it feels like kids and families like mine are under attack online for reasons I can’t get my head around.

So this year I can and need to do more today than to change the Polaris logo for 24 hours.

I don’t believe that arguing online is the way to better understanding or shifting viewpoints.

And neither is putting a rainbow flag in our corporate logo.

A lot of people are scared to ask questions that might lead to clarity or understanding, and instead there are folks left with fear or anger around the issue.

And so this week, as an idahobit day special, I’m going to do something a bit different. I’m going to open a series of 1 on 1 “Ask Me Anything” sessions online.

The offer: Send me a linked in message and I’ll invite you to a 30 minute 1 on 1 video call where we can have a conversation.

Here are the guidelines:

1. You consider yourself “gender critical” or a trans skeptic, or on the fence. You might be against drag story time, you might feel opposed to trans athletes in women’s sport. You might wonder if people are becoming trans because it’s popular or cool.

2. We ensure the other has a chance to be heard.

3. We approach in good faith. If you’re committed to spend 30 minutes shouting about “grooming” children - we aren’t going to get along.

4. No judgement, no name calling. I won’t out you or quote you online. I’ll keep to myself whatever you say or ask me.

6. I’m not an expert and I don’t speak on behalf of anyone - I have only 1 perspective, have had exactly 1 real life crash course in trans issues as a parent, and I have 30 minutes to chat without judgment or shouting or name calling. So don’t be shy - I know you’re out there - get in touch!

And for those just watching on while eating some popcorn ….Wish me luck.


POWER OF ONE VOICE - Choices, Actions & Humanity

Over the course of her writing career, Deborah Ellis has donated over $1,000,000 of her royalties to charities. She's a woman who walks her talk and puts her money where her mouth is. She's an incredibly authentic and inspiring human being. I feel privileged to have had this opportunity to speak with her about creating the world we want to be in, the power of simple decisions and actions, and the importance of taking responsibility for what we see in our world. As ⁠one of her young readers wrote⁠ in 2008:

Deborah Ellis has started to bridge the gap between people from different cultures. By doing this in a way that is interesting, she has enabled young readers to see outside of themselves, to see people their own age suffering in ways that they could not begin to imagine. At the same time, it doesn't seem like she is trying to scare you, just open your eyes.

This episode has the power to open your eyes and, perhaps, reawaken you to the power of your voice.


Celebrating Kindness – even in war

My 11-year-old niece handed me a book and said: "You have to read this." When I asked her why, she said: "Because it's a Very Good Book". She was right. I couldn't put the book, "We Are Wolves", down. Nor could I put down either of the other two books written by Katrina Nannestad which she lent me. They’ve been read and loved by three generations in my family.

Katrina Nannestad has an extraordinary ability to be in the experience of her characters, drawing the reader into the story, celebrating joy, love, kindness and humour even in those books set during the dreadfulness of World War II – “We Are Wolves”, “Waiting for the Storks” and “Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief”. These stories, though fictional, are based on true events, and are narrated through the eyes of the child protagonist.

In this interview Katrina speaks of her writing, her love of stories, her own journey and the privilege and responsibility of telling stories that really were someone’s story. She offers hope and illuminates the effect of kindness in the world.


TRANSFORMATION – It Doesn’t Have to be Hard

She looked great on paper. Everyone thought she was confident, had it all – a successful corporate career, beautiful family, confidence… But you just never know, do you? Underneath the confident exterior Lyndal struggled for years to feel happier in her life, free herself of imposter syndrome, PND, feel less stressed, guilty, responsible, angry... She tried different therapies. It wasn’t until she noticed the effect her behaviours and state were having on her two young boys that she became absolutely determined to find a way to feel better in her life and live the potential she knew she had.

And then… with TRTP it just took a couple of weeks.

Lyndal talks about her journey with great generosity of spirit, knowing there are so many people out there living life feeling stressed, pressured, and burdened. Knowing that, just as she was able to heal and live a great life, so can they.

Please don’t miss this episode. Lyndal’s story reflects the pain so many are feeling (and hiding) and shows a wonderful way out. You don’t have to stay stuck in your pain. What a relief...

If you need help, you can book a complimentary strategy session with Sally ⁠here⁠.


Yoga Demystified - Anyone's Guide to Life

What do you think of when you bring 'yoga' to mind? Lean, strong, young bodies bending and stretching and contorting themselves? Breathing techniques and vegetarianism? The creator of Zeropoint Yoga, Bec Duffield, turns that on its head!

Bec has a gift for demystifying yoga and helping us to recognize it as a comprehensive handbook for ‘Life’ - imminently practical, accessible, and helpful. She talks about commonly held misconceptions about it, the aspects of yogic systems beyond the physical, the purpose of the physical practice and how yoga is for people living as householders, out in the world, just as it is for renunciants. It’s for those who don’t consider themselves ‘spiritual’ just as it is for those who do. It’s non-denominational and inclusive – if you have a good teacher.

And if you want to engage in just the physical postures, as Bec did at the beginning of her yoga journey, that’s fine too.

You’ll enjoy the richness, practicality, and down-to-earth wisdom of this episode and of Bec – a yogi living life, running a business, raising her children and drinking beer! Who knows - you may just decide yoga could be for you...



She’s had a career in the military, academia, media, literature and beer brewing.

Called everything from a ‘six two transvestite Sheila’ by former football great Sam Newman on national TV, ‘the grunge queen’, by former QLD Premier Wayne Goss, a ‘witch’ by a Sunshine Coast pastor (Karen is convinced the consonant was misheard) and a ‘left-wing loopy academic with no testosterone’ by an irate radio listener in Tasmania, and a crusading, sycophantic, pedantic and myopic academic dwelling in an ivory tower, by a Courier Mail reader, Dr Karen Brooks is, to say the least, polemical. However, the hundreds of emails and letters she receives each week from readers of her books, columns and articles, as well as TV viewers and radio listeners attest to the fact that what she has to say about society, culture and young people today is striking a very loud chord.

In this episode, Karen speaks about how she managed her fears in the face of vitriol and hatred. We also delve into her writing process, the rewriting of women into history, the undervaluing of simple kindness in our society and many more rich, important, vibrant topics.

Karen’s a down-to-earth woman of humility, principle, integrity, conviction and courage. A woman who’s insisted on being heard, even in the face of belittlement and hatred.

You’ll be very glad you’ve heard what she has to say. She has a knack of bringing us back to our common humanity – if we just listen.


COMPASSION - it's not what you think

When Dr. Petrina Barson was a medical student, she found that compassion was not emphasised in her training and, at worst, considered dangerous to a doctor’s ability to be objective. She knew that, as a doctor, she didn’t want to lose her compassion to fit the prevailing attitudes, and went on to make a study of compassion, teaching compassion cultivation to both medical students and the broader community.

In this illuminating episode, Petrina busts common misunderstandings around what compassion is, what it is not, addresses resistance to it, the far-reaching benefits of it, and how we can cultivate compassion in ourselves.

Enjoy this episode with heart!



Out of Body Experience: what nearly dying was like

Jo Farkas was 20, parasailing in Bali, and something went wrong. She found herself under the water with a rope wrapped around her neck. And then the most extraordinary thing happened; she experienced a sense of expansion and oneness, an unconditionally loving, neutral presence, and it seemed as though she was the only thing in the world. Jo remembers thinking, “Well, this isn’t such a bad way to go!” Then her physical survival mechanisms kicked in and she found herself gasping for breath, panicked.

Jo didn’t tell anyone of her experience for years (in fact, this is the first time she’s spoken about it publicly). It took a long time before she was ready to really confront what had happened to her and to start questioning why her life was as it was. It was then that her ’work’ really began.

Jo talks us through her journey of turning inward - explaining what that means and how to do it, resources written by others who’ve experienced something similar and their path onwards, and she talks of the effort required to gain clarity and take full responsibility for her life.

A great listen for anyone believing there’s something greater than them, and for anyone believing there’s not! Open-hearted listening recommended. This goes beyond the intellect.



No questions no agendas - the free food charity that's taken off on the Bellarine

He grew up in a housing commission flat in poverty, became a leading chef in some of the Bellarine’s most prestigious restaurants and now, with co-founder Lana Purcell and a team of almost 200 volunteers, delivers around 7,000 meals per week to people in need. They also have a donations-only grocery story, coffee shop and restaurant, and they always have space for more volunteers!

Anthony Woodbury saw a need and did what he could to help. Far from being a soup kitchen, their motto, from the beginning, has been “no questions no agendas”. Usually, he says, people wait till they’re at rock bottom before asking for food - there’s so much shame around it. He remembers hiding behind trees so his school friends wouldn’t see him waiting for a food drop-off for his lunch. And it’s not always the people you’d expect who come forward. Sometimes it’s well-off families who’ve suffered accidents or illness, people with assets and suddenly no cash flow, or neighbours and friends asking on behalf of others.

“No questions no agendas” is a culture of respect, community and care, and it’s a culture that Lana and Anthony guard. Have they ever been taken advantage of? Sure, occasionally, but most of the time people are in desperate need.

Anthony talks about his background, how Feed Me Bellarine got its start, what they need in order to grow (they’re at capacity right now in terms of provision of meals) and how their culture and community changes people... After our interview Anthony said: “It’s changed me as a person.”...

Thinking this sounds like a great idea? He also suggests how people can start something similar in their community or how to be involved in Feed Me Bellarine.

I’ve just booked a table for dinner there this Friday. Can’t wait! See you there?




Life of Permission - are you living the life you want to be living?

If you sat in a doctor’s office and were told you had very little time to live, would you find a way to do the things you’ve always wanted to do? Kirsten Macdonald did and is pretty sure that you would too. She ticked everything off her bucket list in 2 years. Then, to her surprise, she was still alive and wondered… hmmm, what now?!

During our last interview in Episode 13 Kirsten talked about her extraordinary journey, but there was so much more to be said! So she joined me this time to talk about what a “Life of Permission” truly means – the layers to it, the necessity of self-kindness in order to discover it, and how to be honest with ourselves as to whether we’re truly living the life we want to be living.

She talks about inner peace not as some unattainable spiritual concept, but practically, in her irresistibly humorous, down-to-earth way. And as to intuition, she says that now, knowing what she knows, she’d be scared not to listen to it!

She talks of the things we all long for and she brings them within our reach… This is a must-listen.





Not Just Black and White: justice, acknowledgement, progress

Lesley Williams has an extraordinary knack of making you feel welcomed into her life, her presence, her story, into our shared history and making you feel like you belong – the opposite of her experience growing up under the control and monitoring of the QLD government under their ‘protection’ acts.

In this episode Lesley talks about life under the protection acts, which led her to her quest for justice and acknowledgement of the contribution of our indigenous people in building Queensland’s agricultural sector. Indigenous people were trained as domestic servants or farm hands, sent out to work on stations, and didn’t receive the wages they were entitled to.

Both her book, “Not Just Black and White”, which Lesley co-authored with her daughter, Tammy, and the conversation we have in this episode draw you in to her story as an indigenous woman, widow and single mother, as a woman who found self-belief along the way and now open-heartedly invites us all to “move forward together”, embracing our shared history.




Making Ourselves Big (and leaving audiences wanting more)

Charles Crawford has written and contributed to speeches for British Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, the British Royal Family and foreign dignitaries as well as composing and delivering his own speeches during his diplomatic career. He was described as “the Dale Carnegie of speechwriting” by John O’Sullivan, former speechwriter to Margaret Thatcher. You could say, he knows a thing or two about preparing and delivering speeches for leaders!

With wit, passion, endearing impatience and disruptive honesty, Charles shares with us what makes speeches great, and what makes speeches for leaders great. Whether we’re speaking at a wedding, conference, online powerpoint presentation or at gatherings of global decision-makers, Charles prompts us to ask ourselves questions like:

How good do I really want to be?

Am I prepared to make myself ‘big’?

Am I prepared to let go and risk being different and standing out?

He’s a man of standards, passionately and emphatically advocating excellence with no excuses.

We can all benefit from hearing this!


Twitter @charlescrawford

Charles’s book: Speeches for Leaders: leave audiences wanting more




Facing Fear and Embracing your Personal Guidance System

Highly awarded film maker, Bill Bennett, heard a voice which saved his life. Determined to understand this experience, Bill traveled all over the world speaking to intuition experts across science, religion and spirituality. The result was a highly acclaimed film, from which developed a book. (Links below.)

Bill realized that the main thing preventing us from tapping into our intuition (or PGS – personal guidance system, as he calls it) is fear. Following his intense natural curiosity, Bill then traveled the globe speaking to experts on fear! He interviewed people like Joe Dispenza, Judith Richards, Dean Radin and Michael Tamura. COVID got in the way of film production, but recognizing the rampant fear in the world and people’s need for help dealing with it, Bill made interviews with many of the experts available online.

In this interview, Bill generously shares insights into fear and how to either overcome it or work with it. He also shares some of what he has learned about intuition – how to access it, why to access it and the pitfalls which must be avoided in order to connect with this powerful force of nature which is available to us all.

You’ll be inspired and your life might well be profoundly transformed if you hear this. What’s your intuition telling you? “Open your mind and pay attention!”?






DESERT DISCOVERIES: a scientist's conversation on spirit

There’s something, well, almost indescribable about time spent in Australia’s desert country. It’s something that needs to be experienced to be understood. Chief scientist and desert expedition leader, Max Tischler, speaks about the spiritually transformative effect of the desert and time spent walking through the landscape with camels. He speaks of guests’ unexpected personal “breakthroughs”, the immediate call of the desert which has drawn him back again and again since he first experienced it as a student and what he does when back home to keep his inner connection. He also speaks of the desert as a misunderstood landscape which has been neglected since white settlement and since indigenous people left it, with very high extinction rates of fauna.

Max Tischler is a man of science, speaking freely of spirit. Hearing him speak will remind you of who you are and what life is, when once again freed of the peripheral, sometimes deafening noise.





DECODE YOUR CHILD’S GENIUS: expand minds, connect hearts

Cathy Domoney is acutely aware of factors which allow for a child’s inner genius to shine, and those that don’t. Parents out there, be encouraged! This is not about fault-finding and pressure to do the ‘right thing’ according to others. This is about you being the right person to parent your child – no one else. It’s about trusting your genius as a parent and looking deeply beyond society’s expectations and outer pressures.

Cathy discusses being in tune with our strengths and those of our children, she encourages us to question our perceptions and know that our child is not, and was never meant to be, an extensions of us! She discusses true listening, encourages uncomfortable conversations, illustrates how we must model the behaviour and attitudes we’d like to foster in our children – the ability to be vulnerable, make mistakes, champion ourselves, and to allow our children the whole human experience, including struggle. (Yep, that’s a tough one.) She shows us how to instil self-belief in our children and empower them through responsibility, and how to ‘channel’ rather than change.

How does she know all of this? Through her own experience bringing up her five children with differing needs, through bringing out the potential in children she taught, through working with parents and families to bring out the best in all, and in her study in areas such as psychology and education.

An illuminating and practical conversation not only for parents, but for us all!





BATTLE FOR BELONGING: Active Allies & Elevating Others

Our life journey certainly shapes us and makes us who we are but it can also become an unwanted chain shackling us to a painful past, inhibiting people’s ability to see us as a person without a label. Abiola Ajetomobi talks of the exhaustion in being asked to dredge up the trauma and pain of a difficult past. She’s a woman of great courage and tenacity who has overcome so very, very much, and is heart warmingly open about her own fears – particularly her fear of not being enough. As she says, courage doesn’t cancel out fear and taking risks from a position of vulnerability, with no safety net, magnifies the risk hugely.

Abiola speaks of the small things which make a huge difference in people who might otherwise be left behind in society, she speaks of the things which we all need in order to thrive and she speaks of the enormous power of others’ perception of us in shaping our experience – particularly that of ‘active allies’ who can elevate and uplift from a place of empowering belief in us.

Most of us have had someone who believed in us and saw our potential. Can we intentionally develop awareness of and break our own biases and make it a practice to elevate those around us?  What a gift.

This conversation is a gift.



RACISM & SEXISM: the research – how they’re kept flourishing

Dr. Nilmini Fernando is a feminist. Now, as soon as you read that word, your idea of what that means will have come to your mind. In this episode, Nilmini challenges that, just as she challenges our perceptions of racism and unveils the intersections of attitudes, society’s systems and the chains of history which have allowed racism and sexism to continue to flourish. Her knowledge arises from both lived, shared and heard experience, as well as from years of research.

These topics are still uncomfortable for many, which in itself highlights their importance. Are you up for being challenged? Then have a listen. You might find some blind spots erased and your lenses cleaned.



BIRTH TRAUMA – Unknown Causes & Misunderstood Symptoms

Giving birth – a wondrous, miraculous, painful and traumatic experience for many women.

According to birth trauma specialist, Pippa Scott, distress in birth is experienced by upwards of 80% of birthing mothers and affects not just the mother but the baby, the partner and the family unit.

In this episode, Pippa talks about the causes of birth trauma – some obvious and others less so – and ways we can endeavour to prevent it. She also talks us through the manifold ways birth trauma can express itself after the event.

Very importantly, Pippa addresses the impact of healing oneself from one’s own past distress and generational patterns, in order to create an environment where both baby and parents can thrive.



TEACHING TEENAGERS: Music, Identity & Expectations

When Michael Bradshaw moved from Japan to Australia when he was 14, his Caucasian appearance didn’t match his Japanese identity. During his transition through culture shock and social awkwardness, his passion for music became an unhealthy escape before it became, and continues to be, a major means for connection.

As a teenager Michael realised that he wanted to teach music, and went on to study music and music pedagogy in Hungary, now teaching at the Sydney Conservatorium High School and at the Cuskelly College of Music.

In addition to his own remarkable experience as a teenager, in this conversation Michael talks about working with teenagers as ‘emerging adults’ – having high expectations, setting the bar and constructively helping them to learn from their inability to meet it. He discusses the importance of clear boundaries and how to set them. We also discuss the benefits of music for everyone, irrelevant of experience, ability to read music or sing, and how anyone can engage with music for the pure joy of it.



THE SPACE BETWEEN US: Building Resilient Communities

Imagine, as a child, having a local minister order gangs to march on your house when your father becomes the first African-American head of the Chicago Police Department. It'd be quite a formative experience, wouldn't it?! It certainly was for James Miles.

With such diversity of experience as a career in the military, philosophy, ministry, academia, systems and data analysis, Chicago-based Dr. James Miles has an awareness and resulting set of skills like no other. His passion? Promoting sustainable approaches to community engagement, development, wellness, and resilience. His unique background helps make the connection between public policy, population health, organisational culture, operations, cultural beliefs, and measurable performance outcomes.

In this rich, illuminating conversation James speaks of how we can build resilient communities from right where we are. He talks about what it is to be response-able and how to find and connect with your purpose. He also speaks of what led him to try and understand faith and gives suggestions as to how we can all hear and connect with ours - our ‘internal witness’ and intuition, whether we relate to a religious or spiritual path or not.

There is so much more to this conversation than I can indicate in a brief summary! Think PTSD and soul reclamation, moral injury, understanding how to hear beyond the voice of fear in our heads…

And the simple, profound power of “doing good daily”.

Just listen. You’ll be so glad that you did.



SECRETS OF GREAT FUTURISTS: and how to think like one

It’s not everyone who has their initials on a satellite! Futurist Craig Rispin does. He helped a company get their satellite in orbit in collaboration with Elon Musk’s project, and that’s how they showed their appreciation.

Imagine being told you’re ten times better than you think you are when you’re ten years old, and believing it might just be true – “let’s see!”. Craig Rispin had this experience and it shaped his life, bringing up an interesting question: does conceiving of & believing in a possibility make it more likely to come to fruition? Napoleon Hill certainly thought so. Einstein too. So does Craig, and he shares concrete examples of this in his work with specific businesses.

Craig shares attributes of great futurists, helping us to understand how to think like a futurist (also the title of his book) - the role of imagination, creativity, the importance of cultivating broad-mindedness and collection of good hard data.  We also address resistance to change and blocks to creativity.

Who wouldn’t want to know how to think like a futurist?! Exciting stuff.



LIVING WITHOUT REGRET: how to leave each moment complete

Ashton Bishop, Step Change CEO, has 5 beliefs he uses as his ‘how to best do life’ guide:

1. I believe I always have the power to choose

2. I believe there’s always something to be grateful for

3. I believe that action leads to less regret than inaction

4. I believe in leaving each moment complete

5. I believe in paying things forward

This conversation is rich in discussion and clarification around each of these beliefs; we turn them over and explore what they mean practically and philosophically and the impact Ashton finds they have both on his life and the lives of his clients and mentees.

He thinks outside the box – as a law/commerce student with dyslexia, he had to! This is an uplifting, practical and hope-filled conversation which may well cause you to reassess your life and attitude towards it.


Facing Fear – journeys and discoveries

One man, thrust into fear, driven by his curiosity, travels the world interviewing experts on fear. The result is “Facing Fear”, the movie. It’s toured Australia and is now rolling out in the USA, with an exceptional response.

Bill Bennett speaks of his experience coming to understand what fear is as he made the film - looking through the eyes of scientists, spiritual teachers, trauma resolution experts, a military sniper, psychologists and many others. It’s also an intensely personal journey Bill’s led, both in making the film and touring it, doing live Q&A’s for film audiences and making public his diagnosis.

A topic relevant to every human, and a conversation illuminated by curiosity, openness, humility and compassion. You’ll enjoy this one.


Conscious Health – does illness have a function?

How does what we've lived through, affect what our body does?

What is the ‘meaning’ of illness? Could it be something to be understood rather than fought? Does illness have a function?

For the first 6 years following her medical training recently retired GP, Dr. Catherine Fyans, adhered strongly to the Western Medical belief system and perspective. Following a stint as a medical volunteer in India, however, the idea that we can treat the body separately to the mind seemed ridiculous.

In this episode, Dr. Fyans shares her perspective on health and approach to illness which may just guide us to personal growth and understanding.

All content in this episode represents opinion only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Do not disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard in this episode.


ENERGY FOR LIFE - in midlife and beyond

Her parents were the oldest couple in Australia, with a combined age of 206! Given that there was no particular precedent for longevity in their families, Alix Bradfield began to ponder why. Eventually her curiosity led her to interview a number of specialists in health and wellbeing fields, to find out how we can increase our chances of growing older with energy and quality of life. These interviews became the book, “Energy for Life: Expert advice on boosting physical and mental health in midlife and beyond”.

In this episode Alix and I explore the contributions and advice of some of her expert interviewees and we address some tools we can all apply both preventatively and to heal. I certainly learned some surprising insights and facts around boosting our wellbeing and energy in midlife and beyond!


FEAR'S ANTIDOTE & BEING REAL - Lessons from a Commando

Tim Thomas never conquered fear. It stayed with him during his tours of duty and the many life-threatening situations in which he found (and placed) himself. What he did realise about fear, though, is that its primary goal is to immobilise us. He realised that action is fear’s antidote.

Since he left the armed forces, Tim’s saved more lives in veteran support and recovery than he did in the field. He was an instigator of Mates4Mates and having recovered from PTSD himself, he’s perfectly equipped to help others take their first steps to recovery and to accompany them in healing. He gets it.

Tim describes the terrifying situation which sculpted the rest of his life. He speaks about what it means to be courageously us and the immense importance of it. This is a soldier’s lessons with universal relevance.



"Energy for Life" author, Alix Bradfield, asked me the other day whether our listeners know much about me and what I do. My answer was "I don't know"! So Alix and I sought to remedy the situation by having her interview me for this episode.

How does a farm girl turn into an opera singer, then become an international coach for high achieving individuals and teams? Very good question, and one we answer here! We also bring to light my discovery of The Richards Trauma Process(TM) - a transformational therapy I use very often with clients, and why it's so effective and quick.

It felt quite odd to be the one doing most of the talking, but I hope this fills in the gaps on who I am, where I come from, what I do and why I do it. If there are any unfilled gaps, let me know and we can remedy it! Thank you for being a part of this great community.


NARCISSISM - manipulations and traits

Narcissism - it's a term thrown around a lot and is used to describe all sorts of self-important behaviour. It's a spectrum, ranging from a personality exhibiting a few narcissistic traits through to its full expression - narcissistic personality disorder.  Judith Richards (founder of The Richards Trauma Process) and I discuss how narcissists' manipulations of relationships can be subtle. It might start with a few 'insignificant' criticisms, slowly isolating you from your network, until your self-belief and self-confidence have eroded to the point where you mistakenly believe that the problem rests entirely with you. It's my fault... If only I were better...

Narcissists, true narcissists will never change. Nor will they ever ask for help because nothing is their fault. On the other hand, you may exhibit some narcissists tendencies which are compromising the quality of your relationships and life, eg. always having to be right, needing to be the centre of attention, taking credit where it's not due, putting others down... These tendencies can be a form of self-protection. If this is you, hats off for recognising it. You're now in a position to make change and improve your life and the lives of those around you. If, on the other hand, you are living or working with a narcissist, please listen to this episode for help as to how to get out. There's no other option if they are a true narcissist. They won't change.  

If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain. You’ll be so glad that you did.




Resolving the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse

In this episode Judith Richards (Founder of The Richards Trauma Process) and I discuss the ways victims of childhood sexual abuse continue to suffer in adulthood - shame, self-blame, guilt, low self-esteem among other things continue to plague them. And these feelings, of course, have significant knock-on effects. AND we talk about resolution of the dreadfulness...

Freedom from the ongoing effects of distressing, traumatic childhood events. Freedom from past pain and suffering. The relief.  Yes. It's possible.  If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here: https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain. You’ll be so glad that you did.




Uncommon knowledge behind ANXIETY

It's everywhere, and yet so few know the truth behind anxiety. Not only that, but the bar is so very low in terms of helping people who suffer from it. Here, Judith Richards (Creator of The Richards Trauma Process) and I talk about the foundational causes of anxiety, what it's a symptom of and how it can be resolved... Yes, resolved! Too many sufferers are told that they have to live with it and manage it. Not so. Listen for more.  

If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here:  https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain. You’ll be so glad that you did.  




LAW OF ATTRACTION - what they don't tell you

Law of Attraction... woowoo gobbledegook or real phenomenon? We'd all like to think it's real, right - particularly as we consider the year ahead?  In this conversation Judith Richards and I uncover the truth behind the law of attraction as well as the things you're not told - things that could prevent its ever working for you.

It's based in science, not wishful thinking, and it may well make all difference. If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here: https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain. You’ll be so glad that you did.





Are you in an abusive relationship? Would you recognise it if you were? Are you inadvertently being abusive? Do you know someone else who's in an abusive relationship but doesn't 'see' it? This direct conversation with Judith Richards brings all of these questions to light and addresses them, without making the reality 'palatable'. We get so used to our 'normal', we sometimes don't (or won't) recognise things that are in our face. This is an opportunity to get real, recognise things for what they are and take away truth bombs and suggestions as to how you can make change.  

If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here: https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain  You’ll be so glad that you did.




JUDGEMENT – liberation when we drop it!

JUDGEMENT… We’re not talking end of life stuff here! We address judgement here and now and less external than internal. I talk about how I was a living example of someone who was incredibly hard on myself and, as so often happens, then held others to my own impossibly high, exacting standards. Thank goodness I’m over it!

It's common. It’s destructive. It diminishes our performance. It takes the joy out of life. It’s common in high achievers and peak performers who can so often become perfectionists...

This might be you without your even knowing it. After all, we so rarely question our ‘normal’. Have a listen, just to see.

Judith Richards and I recorded this conversation as a video (it'll be on the @iamsallywilson YouTube channel), but I wanted to share it with you all here too. And if you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here (https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain). You’ll be so glad that you did.




Dream Role. Dream Life. How?!

Nikki Smith’s the person to have in your corner if you want to be fulfilled and energised by your work. She’s a psychologist and career / redundancy coach with nearly two decades’ experience, and a fount of the kind of wisdom we all need in order to feel great and perform at our best in our careers.

In this episode, Nikki talks about the massive benefits in identifying your strengths and playing to them – and the downside if you don’t. She addresses the self-limiting beliefs and blocks that prevent people from looking for or finding their best fit role.

Nikki also a practices what she preaches. She has created her own best-fit role with a beach-side dream life to match.

You’re going to enjoy Nikki’s energy and clarity. So, be heartened! YOUR dream life, best fit role are out there. Tune in to hear how you can uncover them and make them a reality.



REHAB – The Struggle to Normality

August 2009 Katherine Varley’s car spun out of control, hitting a tree and leaving her with a serious brain injury. She was in her 30’s. She has little memory of that time and the first stages of her rehabilitation process, but she had to relearn how to eat, how to walk, talk… All those capabilities most of us take for granted every day.

Katherine has been a “success story”, you could say. She now leads a relatively normal life which, 10 years ago, she never would have thought possible. She’s also developed an app to help other people going through rehab, and has been nominated for a Community Achievement Award for regional Victoria.

She speaks of her struggles, her darkest times, what kept her going and what she believes has finally led her to a life of normality. Katherine speaks with honesty and realism – rehab is hard. Very hard. And it’s also extremely difficult for carers. But she also speaks of hope, regaining independence and the joys that come after the pain and struggles.



The Joys and Trials in Making a Difference

Matthew Boyd strives every day to use his career to create positive impact in this world. 5 years ago he decided to quit his marketing job and founded Vollie, an online marketplace that’s unlocking a new style of skills-based remote volunteering. In 4 years of operation, Vollie has seen 4,000+ social impact projects completed to date, through 200,000+ skilled volunteering hours, generating over $5 million of savings to the current 925+ non-profits using the service. It’s exciting stuff!

In this episode Matt addresses the warts and all truth of starting a social impact enterprise, the ups and downs and the formation of his drive to help and make a difference. He talks about the Age of Purpose in the business world and his personal journey through lack of satisfaction and fulfilment in his career, to volunteering, and which ultimately led to Vollie. He’s down-to-earth, realistic, pragmatic and very open about the struggles and the joys of this path.

His parting words: It’s better to live with failure than with regret.



Stepping into your Joy

Have you ever been to a business networking event which starts with a meditation? No? Justin’s does! And by the way, no one talks about their business or what they do. It’s Different.

Justin Cooper is a man with passion and drive, and in this episode we explore mission and purpose, and a way of approaching business and business practice that values intuition, fun, vulnerability, stepping away from safe (and limiting) conventions and embracing a heart-centred approach.

Justin talks about his burning epiphanies and a different awareness around purpose and business accountability. Most importantly, he talks about ‘Purpose’ as a process of continually stepping into your joy.

Ahhh… It’s like breathing fresh air and sunshine.



Dignity in Dying – one couple’s story

Linda Deverell walked an extraordinary journey with her partner when, diagnosed critically ill and with 2-3 months to live, he decided to take the route of voluntary assisted dying. At the time Linda hadn’t realized that in helping him with this she was breaking the law, but insists emphatically that she’d have done the same even if she had. Since this intense, heart-breaking yet life-affirming personal experience Linda has become a staunch advocate and campaigner for voluntary assisted dying to be a choice for terminally ill people.

In this episode Linda shares her journey with exceptional openness, compassion and frankness, giving us an intimate view through a very personal window into one man’s process of dying, her role as his supporter and carer, the choices we have and don’t have, the most difficult things and the ‘magic’ of living that precious three months in the present moment, where nothing else really existed but her and him.




Redefining Retirement - Life After Work

There was silence in the auditorium as he spoke, then in unison, thousands were in tears. (Miami MDRT conference.)

Peter Graham has spoken to audiences numbering in the thousands all over the world, and this is the effect he has on people. He touches our common humanity and inspires. At the same time, he’s incredibly down to earth and offers practical, no-nonsense advice. It’s a pretty great combo, and that’s how my conversation with Peter went – both inspiring and practical, and with a few big surprises to boot!

After being a ground-breaker in the financial industry for over 50 years and watching countless people both approaching and experiencing retirement, he’s now a retirement coach who walks his talk and knows his stuff. He says there are 60 things to have considered before a spectacular retirement, and money’s just one of them.

Peter’s seen (and experienced) it all, including life ‘jolts’ no one would necessarily wish for. Listen in for shocking statistics around retirement that you need to know, as well as pearls about how to live a spectacular life, not only a spectacular retirement!


Art and Life's Ecosystems

Artist, conservationist, naturalist, author… Richard Weatherly is a curious man with many talents, much experience and a spellbinding knack of storytelling!

Richard speaks of his initially accidental artistic career, beginning in London, and our conversation winds around the sensitivity of an artist who works from and in nature and deeply cares about it and for it, the fragility of our ecosystems, mentors, inspiration and even avian personalities!

Importantly, Richard also gives suggestions as to how we can connect ecosystems in order to provide habitat to our precious wildlife – even for those of us living in an urban environment.



Being the Hero in Your Life Story

“My intuition only wishes me to have the easiest & most joyous life… It finds every way to communicate with me. The reason it does this is that I have given it permission to… Each day I live on this earth plane, gets easier for me.”

Jennifer Cluff convinced head hunters in Papua New Guinea not to kill her crew. She frightened off machete-wielding attackers when they threatened her and her jeep full of actors. She is both earthy and ethereal. She’s quite a women!

It’s been said of Jennifer, she is a person who not only poses questions, but finds answers. In this episode, Jennifer talks about how she found her spiritual path and her purpose (though she cringed when she did!), her perspective of life as the story we tell ourselves and she describes how being guided by her own intuition has changed her experience of life. Fortunately for us, she also shares some simple tools to help us step into the present moment, ‘switch on’ awe and learn how be guided by our own innate wisdom.

If you were Superman, what would you do? Now, there’s a question!

You’ll enjoy this one. Don’t miss it.



Musical Wealth - priceless!

When did we come to believe that expressing ourselves musically isn’t for everyone?

When did you first believe, as so many do, that you can’t sing?

Can you imagine learning music as a child, simply through play and fun?

Music educator, Dr. James Cuskelly, has taught music to people of all ages and levels, and does just that with his young students. He talks with great passion about the far-reaching benefits of a music education for everyone, from language acquisition and literacy to self-expression and the ability to think in a creative way and complete complex tasks. He speaks of the modern understanding of ‘talent’ and what it means to be able to connect with, and give meaning to, sound. He also speaks of his experience of working with children right through their education from 3 to 18 years of age, and seeing the vast difference in those who were actively engaged in music.

Musical engagement (not only listening to it, but engaging with voice, movement etc), he suggests, allows us to become a “whole person” and to become practised at expressing ourselves. Feeling uncomfortable at the prospect? That’s ok too! James helps us to understand the importance and impact of even the simplest of ‘games’.

My guess is, you’ll want to go out and sing or dance once you’ve heard this!



FUN: a necessity, not a luxury

If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here (https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain). You’ll be so glad that you did.

In this brief, punchy, no-nonsense episode, Judith and I discuss the importance of fun. We talk about what ‘fun’ has come to mean for so many in our fast-paced, goal-driven society, why it’s vital to the health of all areas of our lives, what the Dalai Lama said about it and how to embrace it once again.

Come, listen and have FUN!




Sensory Concerts - quality music for all needs

Grace Kim has always known the value of making music a part of children’s lives and the crucial role it plays in brain development. But when her oldest child was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and struggled in live music settings, she saw a need to bridge the gap between comfortable performance environments and audiences with special needs.

And so, Sensory Concerts was born.

Whether it’s a sensitivity to crowds, noise, light, smell and/or touch, the top-level concerts provide a safe and accepting place to enjoy live classical music.

“We really don’t mind if people need to move around, lie on a crash mat or take time out from everyone else for a while,’’ says Grace. “I program the music especially with this in mind so that everyone can engage and benefit without feeling overwhelmed or restricted.’’

For some families, a sensory concert is the first public event they’ve been able to attend all together. Please share this episode with families and individuals you know would be grateful!




'Primitive Freedom' through Walking

Brent McKean has done a huge amount of walking all over the world, from the Inca Trail to the Blue Mountains, easy strolls in nature to incredibly demanding rugged walks of hundreds of km’s, and now he's editor of Australia's only dedicated bushwalking magazine, “Great Walks”.

In this episode he describes what he calls the “primitive freedom” he associates with being out in nature, relaxing back into the rhythms of nature and peace and transformation. He also talks about the importance of stretching our comfort zone and being adventurous, and the deep bonding which can happen quite naturally through shared experiences in nature.

A great listen for seasoned hikers as well as those ‘maybe’ considering it, for parents or grandparents wanting to get kids out into nature more, and simply for anyone wanting to feel inspired by one man’s walking adventures.



Oxytocin - not only a love hack!

Clinical neuroscientist and researcher, Dr. Izelle Labuschagne, has been studying the hormone oxytocin for a long time. Known as the love hack chemical, her research has shown that it’s so much more! Its administration via nasal spray can, for example, temporarily relieve extreme social anxiety in young people. It induces feelings of connectedness and promotes resilience, among other things.

In this episode Izelle talks about some of the many (wonderful!) functions and effects of oxytocin, how we can stimulate its production in ourselves and others, and she touches on some exciting research into how it can be used in sports to promote optimal team performance.

A feel-good episode, almost literally! (You'll see what I mean!)




Difficult Conversations - how to get them right!

Who hasn’t ever agonised over a difficult but necessary conversation OR avoided it altogether? (Yep, I hear silence here…)

Cameron Shepherd is the master of ‘difficult conversations’. As an HR consultant he’s had to have them on behalf of different companies in vastly varying situations all over the world. Cam has learned through experience, and that’s obvious when you hear him speak. Now he teaches other people how to have these conversations in the most positive, constructive way possible.

And we’re talking not only business conversations here, but difficult conversations we all, at some time or other, need to have with family, friends, colleagues etc. Many of us avoid them, which then creates bigger problems. Can you relate?!

Cam’s a man with a good heart, who’s very open about his experiences in learning how, and how not to conduct difficult conversations. The clarity he gives around this topic is both refreshing and a relief!

Tune in to learn how to “do” difficult conversations well.



Motivation through Honesty

As soon as you hear him speak, his resonant, rich voice demands attention. Built like a Gridiron footballer and with charisma galore, Berlin-based Derrick Lawrence chose opera singing over football. He won the world’s most prestigious singing competition in New York when he was 23, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it all came easily.

Derrick talks about the road to “overnight success”, the dangers of rushing your development and trying to skip important, foundational steps in your journey, and what it is to be motivated through honesty.

His wisdom is framed around his experience getting to and performing at the pinnacle of the operatic world, but it’s relevant to all of us in every walk of life.

He’s refreshing, extremely insightful, painfully honest as well as compassionate. Derrick has the wonderful capacity to keep it real and inspire at the same time. You’re going to enjoy this conversation!

Listen to him sing here.




The Big Change Game

Powerhouse Virtual CEO and CEO of Financial Executive Women, Alex Tullio, is raw, honest and oh so naturally insightful as we cover such diverse areas as moving from rule-follower to risk-taker, purpose and whether we need it, the painful, confronting, challenging road to change (on the inside first!) and deleting the j*** word from our vocabulary.

Alex is candid about some of the challenges she’s had on the way to her sense of personal freedom, and the changes she first made within herself to be in a position to affect positive change on what is turning out to be a global level.

She’s interviewed over 100 leaders in their fields in the FEW livestream series over the past 10 months, and has recognised that almost 100% of those high achievers feel like an imposter on some level. Isn’t it time to change that!?

She’s funny, creative and the kind of person you want in your corner (and yes, she’s my personal virtual CEO)!

You don’t want to miss this one.



I'm Just A Human: out the other side of despair

After his business premises burned to the ground, Dr. Jim Skivalidas found himself considering suicide. He could easily have become one of the six men who, each day in Australia, takes his own life. Floods of self-doubt, sense of unworthiness and self-hatred rose to the surface. He found himself thinking: “I’m a disgrace”. He felt full of shame, and his whole identity as provider for his wife and mother, as husband, son, successful health professional and business owner came crashing down around him. He shares with us how he got through it.

The fire turned out to be a catalyst for Jim’s discovery of the strength in vulnerability and allowed him to stop caring what other people thought. He developed the ability to express himself authentically – nothing to hide, no shame, no fear of judgement, and he opens the door for others to do the same.

As the founder of the I’m Just A Man Foundation, raising awareness around suicide and working towards its prevention, Jim draws together his passions – care for others, community and music. He holds an annual event – this year’s online on November 19.

The numbers of people taking their lives is staggering and devastating. It doesn’t have to be like this. Let’s all be aware and be a part of the solution.



LEARNED HELPLESSNESS: are you stifling self-belief?

In this short, poignant, powerful episode, Judith Richards and I discuss ‘learned helplessness’. So often we are so much stronger, more capable, intelligent than we give ourselves credit for, AND those around us are so much stronger, more capable, intelligent than we give them credit for. How can this look? Think helicopter parenting – protecting our children to the point where they become anxious, starved of self-belief; think the women who always defer to their husbands or partners; think acceptance of the limits that others believe and impose… Sound familiar?

This is a ‘wake up call’ episode no one should miss. And…

… If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here: https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain

You’ll be so glad that you did.




Conscious Leadership and Living Beyond Fear

As CEO of Impact Solutions International, Mary C. Dwyer’s particular interest is in the correlation between higher levels of consciousness and wise, ethical and powerful leadership. Over the past 10 years, Mary and her team have worked in 16 different countries with leaders from 44 different nationalities, including working with leadership of countries emerging from war.

Our conversation in this podcast episode is full of heart, compassion and practicality, as we discuss living beyond our fear, how our levels of consciousness can drop shockingly quickly – both as individuals and nations/human populations, with disastrous results.

We also discuss purpose beyond ego and the extraordinary fulfilment in the simple and ordinary, and we touch on her book The Final Act of Grace, in which she shares her journey with her late husband towards his enlightenment as he approached death.

An episode full of thought-provoking insights and uplifting genuineness.



The Final Act of Grace (book): http://www.marycdwyer.com/the-final-act-of-grace/





Victim to Victor - Leading Others Beyond Their Pain

Judith Richards is someone you need to know about. She’s a person of extraordinary strength and courage, with a history that beggars belief… a life remarkable and profound in its content and experience. Judith has an intimate understanding of trauma.  She knows it inside out, back-the-front and sideways.

So what happened to her? In this episode Judith talks about her journey through extreme, hellish trauma. She never gave up. With great courage and determination she persisted, learning and discovering that there is a way to capture a life worth living. There is a way to the other side of trauma and its myriad symptoms.

She not only survived. She has thrived, and is now helping thousands of others do the same through The Richards Trauma Process.

Listeners, you need to listen to this episode. In hearing the information Judith shares, you may well be in a position to save lives.



Creating Mental Space - whys and hows

Giving ourselves time and space is something many of us struggle with in our society. When was the last time you allowed yourself to do nothing – not reading, not watching TV, not chatting to a friend or checking social media – Nothing?...

Yeah, I thought so!

Holistic health and movement coach, Ross De Vincentiis and I, discuss the importance of creating mental space, why most of us struggle with it, and how to do it! We speak of our own experiences and those of our clients both when we’ve failed to give ourselves stillness as well as the surprising, wonderful things that have happened when we have.

Better health, stronger immune system, increased clarity and creativity, more energy… Effects are astounding. Why on earth not?



Disability & Sport: Fuelling the Fire

Sam McIntosh, in his very own unassuming, modest, quiet, sensitive way, is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. When the three-time paralympian from Ocean Grove had the accident which resulted in his disability, his words to his desperately worried mother on the accident scene were: “I’m going to be the first person in a wheelchair to base jump into the Grand Canyon.” He already had a mental list of the things he was going to do as a person in a wheelchair. Yes - he has an uncanny ability, natural and unforced, to see silver linings and turn adversity into a “fire in his belly”.

Another gift Sam gives is openness and lack of judgement. Many of us feel ignorant around the topic of disability, and that ignorance and fear of offending can then lead to impaired or blocked conversations. As Sam said, “Disability isn’t talked about enough.”

Sam covers so many aspects of being human in this episode, from understanding our privileges, to his attitude and approach to goal setting (or Disney Kingdom – you’ll get it when you listen!) to community and how to “mentally take a breath”.

Sam will have you feeling great about life. Do yourself a favour - don’t miss this one.




Unconscious Bias: uncovering our limiting assumptions

Unconscious bias – it’s part of our innate survival mechanism and, at its worst, it can threaten our survival.

Justine Cooper has been delving into and training people, teams and organisations on unconscious bias for decades. With humility, humanity and wisdom she talks us through her personal realisations and experience around unconscious bias, how we can become aware of our own biases and how, even with small actions, we can have a huge positive ripple effect.

Justine is Head of Brook Graham Asia Pacific. The headline words on Brook Graham’s website are Embracing diversity. Inspiring inclusion. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could acknowledge and celebrate all the richness, colour and variety in us and around us! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all felt that we belonged!

In this episode Justine gives us first steps as well as the wonderful, broad big picture view of what’s possible through uncovering and purging limiting and negative biases. I highly recommend getting curious and having a listen. It’s so worth it!



Challenges, Injuries & Hope

Ross De Vincentiis is a guy who, to put it euphemistically, LOVES a challenge. He thrives on it!

In this episode we talk about Ross’s career in the military, from infantry soldier to intelligence, the challenges, stories, injuries and what led him to become the holistic health, movement and nutrition coach he is now.

We talk the role of the mind in health and injury recovery, placebo and nocebo and the importance of being aware of the ideas we accept and reject. Ross is also candid about why he finds running a business more stressful than deployment in a war zone!

You’ll love Ross’s openness and humour, as well as his wisdom learned the hard way – through practical experience. For anyone suffering from an injury or illness, or for anyone who’s been told they’ll never be physically healed again, this is a MUST-listen.

You’ll find hope (and possibly a different road) here.



Journey To Ecstasy Through Music

Mark Kruger lived and breathed music for over 20 years. Being a concert pianist isn’t a job or even a vocation, it’s an all-absorbing way of life. It means 6-8 hours a day practising, preparing pieces of music over months and months. It means achieving the highest level of technical mastery in order to be an uninhibited servant of the music. It means extraordinary focus, commitment and striving for that often elusive indescribable experience of… elation… ecstasy… wholeness, perhaps.

In this conversation Mark talks about not only those experiences of elation, but the grind of the life of a concert pianist. He speaks candidly of his journey of self-discovery through music, and what ultimately led him to change his life direction.



Composing a Life

New York-based composer, Jerome Kitzke, embodies independence and freedom of spirit in his music as in his life. In fact, his music reflects all facets of his life and what’s important to him – the beautiful, the challenging and the painful. His musical voice is free and inspired and his breath-taking hand-written scores have featured in exhibitions, inspiring through their visual as well as musical impact.

So many of us don’t even know what that hackneyed phrase, ‘be true to yourself’, means. If you have a listen to Jerome’s interview you might just get a sense of it, as well as a sense of some of the gifted and sensitive people who encouraged his originality along the way.




Death of Superwoman: an immigrant's journey

Fabiola Campbell describes her loss of identity and sense of belonging, when she migrated from Venezuela to Australia, as the “death of her superwoman”.  In a very different way to what she’d expected, she discovered her adult identity through the experience of being an immigrant. The process was rocky, at times humiliating, sometimes devastating, but ultimately became a journey of transformation where she was able to recreate herself and reawaken her "superwoman".

In this episode, Fabiola gives insights invaluable to those living in a melting pot country and heartfelt, down to earth advice for other Australian immigrants. She is the Founder of Professional Migrant Women, where she works now with other professional immigrant women in Australia, helping them negotiate their way to a sense of belonging.



BEING with Sally Wilson



Uniquely Human Us

Dog-eat-dog Darwinism is questioned and a win-win future is offered here, with both optimism and realism. It’s an exciting ride…

Donna Eiby has had a career in the military, worked on billion dollar projects, has a number of undergraduate and graduate degrees and a PhD with a research focus on the intention of employers to train their workforce in what she calls “uniquely human skills”.

With education underpinning her life, Donna’s deep understanding of the value of the skills which make us human arises not only from her personal experience as her own “case study”, but also through rigorous research. She explores the value of these learnable skills and busts their accompanying myths both in the context of our success as individuals, as well as in today’s world of business and human capital.

In this episode Donna addresses how the Industrial Revolution caused us to see humans as a commodity, iPods and the role individualism plays in our sense of disconnection and the importance of developing the skills which make us human, including empathy and social intelligence.




Beyond Post-Traumatic Stress

Ever been told that PTSD can’t be resolved? Steve Gardiner is living proof that that’s simply not true.

Steve was conscripted into the army in Zimbabwe as a medic and his experience there led to post-traumatic stress – though at that time it didn’t have a name.

Here he talks about what it’s like to have PTS – the anger, guilt, hypervigilance, flashbacks and resultant exhaustion. He also talks about how he resolved it, and advice he would give both to people living with PTS as well as to their family and friends.

Steve now specialises in helping others resolve PTS, anxiety and depression.



Faith, Humour & Living Every Day Like it’s your Last

Kirsten Macdonald has lived with the knowledge that she could die any day, at any moment… She has an inoperable brain aneurism.

I met her as the Founder and Chief Editor of Ponderings Magazine, and knew nothing about her bewildering story. When I saw Kirsten across the room of business owners and professionals, I just knew: “Wow. I need to meet her.” And I am so very, very glad I introduced myself.

Join us for a conversation spanning the seldom-addressed and yet all-pervasive, from faith to ‘God’ and humour during hardship, and for Kirsten’s profound knowledge on how to live every day like it’s your last.

This is a must-listen.



Ubuntu: Humanity's Operating System

Getrude Matsche embodies Ubuntu – the African philosophy with which she grew up in a small town in Zimbabwe. She’s a warm-hearted whirlwind of passion, drive, energy and vision, and believes she has been given this life in order to make a difference to the world and to even out the inequality she sees.

The Ubuntu philosophy is a way of acknowledging our common humanity, and it starts at home. In this episode we talk about the loneliness and isolation so many experience in Western society, and how we can change it. In Getrude’s words:

A person is only a person through other people.

I am because you are.

There is only WE.

In her 2013 TEDx talk (she has since presented another) Getrude described the African woman as the personification of “the downtrodden human being”. Since then, Getrude has been a facilitator for many social impact projects to help empower women, some of which she describes in this episode. It’s her intention that the HerStory women’s global empowerment movement she founded inspire, uplift, and connect one million women, and she’s well on the way to achieving that goal!


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