
Living Well: Lessons from Illness and the Dying

On a sunny day in 1998, 11-year-old Steve Musca's competitive side got the better of him and he competed fiercely in a cross-country race whilst also being sick with what was later diagnosed as 'Glandular Fever'. It was the biggest mistake of his life. 

Despite being plagued with ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ so badly he was in and out of hospital and experiencing head and neck injuries as the result of two accidents, during his own quest for wellness Steve somehow managed to become an Intensive Care Specialist, working now at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne.

Steve talks about the privilege it is, to be with people at the end of their lives, and how it’s a constant reminder to him, how to live well. He’s not one to sweat the small stuff. He also speaks about the internal drivers which had him pushing himself so very hard, to breaking point and the work he’s done to overcome that self-destructive conditioning.

Steve has used his experience and medical knowledge to found We Know Health –  scientifically-backed supplements that are setting a new bar in Australia in terms of ethics and transparency.

As a man still in his 30’s, he’s had a pretty extraordinary ride so far – and I didn’t even get to ask him about his high stakes poker-playing days! The wonderful thing is, he’s using his experience to benefit the rest of us. The words Steve leaves us with? “You don’t have to be perfect.”

You don’t have to be perfect.

You don’t want to miss this one.


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Water, Wonder & the Creative Act

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