

LIVING WITHOUT REGRET: how to leave each moment complete

Ashton Bishop, Step Change CEO, has 5 beliefs he uses as his ‘how to best do life’ guide:

1. I believe I always have the power to choose

2. I believe there’s always something to be grateful for

3. I believe that action leads to less regret than inaction

4. I believe in leaving each moment complete

5. I believe in paying things forward

This conversation is rich in discussion and clarification around each of these beliefs; we turn them over and explore what they mean practically and philosophically and the impact Ashton finds they have both on his life and the lives of his clients and mentees.

He thinks outside the box – as a law/commerce student with dyslexia, he had to! This is an uplifting, practical and hope-filled conversation which may well cause you to reassess your life and attitude towards it.


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Water, Wonder & the Creative Act

Artist, Steve Sedgwick⁠, has wondered at (and in!) natural water sources since childhood, and his unique work reflects his experiences of and responses to nature. Here, he speaks of the creative act beyond the thinking mind, feeling imagery and physical and emotional responses to artistic sources of inspiration, and how he transfers this to canvas.


Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.
