
Dignity in Dying – one couple’s story

Linda Deverell walked an extraordinary journey with her partner when, diagnosed critically ill and with 2-3 months to live, he decided to take the route of voluntary assisted dying. At the time Linda hadn’t realized that in helping him with this she was breaking the law, but insists emphatically that she’d have done the same even if she had. Since this intense, heart-breaking yet life-affirming personal experience Linda has become a staunch advocate and campaigner for voluntary assisted dying to be a choice for terminally ill people.

In this episode Linda shares her journey with exceptional openness, compassion and frankness, giving us an intimate view through a very personal window into one man’s process of dying, her role as his supporter and carer, the choices we have and don’t have, the most difficult things and the ‘magic’ of living that precious three months in the present moment, where nothing else really existed but her and him.




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Water, Wonder & the Creative Act

Artist, Steve Sedgwick⁠, has wondered at (and in!) natural water sources since childhood, and his unique work reflects his experiences of and responses to nature. Here, he speaks of the creative act beyond the thinking mind, feeling imagery and physical and emotional responses to artistic sources of inspiration, and how he transfers this to canvas.


Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.
