

Life of Permission - are you living the life you want to be living?

If you sat in a doctor’s office and were told you had very little time to live, would you find a way to do the things you’ve always wanted to do? Kirsten Macdonald did and is pretty sure that you would too. She ticked everything off her bucket list in 2 years. Then, to her surprise, she was still alive and wondered… hmmm, what now?!

During our last interview in Episode 13 Kirsten talked about her extraordinary journey, but there was so much more to be said! So she joined me this time to talk about what a “Life of Permission” truly means – the layers to it, the necessity of self-kindness in order to discover it, and how to be honest with ourselves as to whether we’re truly living the life we want to be living.

She talks about inner peace not as some unattainable spiritual concept, but practically, in her irresistibly humorous, down-to-earth way. And as to intuition, she says that now, knowing what she knows, she’d be scared not to listen to it!

She talks of the things we all long for and she brings them within our reach… This is a must-listen.




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Water, Wonder & the Creative Act

Artist, Steve Sedgwick⁠, has wondered at (and in!) natural water sources since childhood, and his unique work reflects his experiences of and responses to nature. Here, he speaks of the creative act beyond the thinking mind, feeling imagery and physical and emotional responses to artistic sources of inspiration, and how he transfers this to canvas.


Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.
